Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from Dr Roshani

    2. Importance and confidence

    3. Our relationship with the weighing scale and mirror

    4. The 4 wheels of lifestyle change

    5. Trust the process

    6. Quiz: Getting started

    7. Copyright agreement

    1. Always tired? Low energy?

    2. My energy levels crash

    3. I need to eat "on time"

    1. Why can't you just give me a diet plan?

    2. Is jowar or bajra better than wheat?

    3. What can I put in my tea?

    4. Should I avoid cheese, butter and fatty foods?

    5. Won't I gain weight if I eat more fat? Everyone says to eat low-calorie low fat food.

    6. Do I have to stop sugar? Are you making me do keto?

    7. Sweet tooth drama!

    8. Is a vegan diet better than carnivore?

    9. Rice makes me gain weight overnight. Help!

    10. I'm a foodie but I want to be healthy

    11. I love fruit. I can eat a large portion. Fruit is "healthy".

    12. I need a big portion to feel "satisfied"

    13. When I have low energy or I'm craving junk, can I have a date? Or a fruit instead?

    14. How many calories should I eat?

    15. Should I stop sugar till I lose 15 kg?

    16. Is it wrong to eat unhealthy food?

    17. How do I manage my social life with this program?

    18. What about cravings?

    19. What can I snack on? Is fruit healthier than nuts?

    20. What about milk and milk products?

    21. QUIZ: What can I eat?

    1. What are carbs anyway?

    2. Healthy fats : Do we have to eat low-fat?

    3. Insulin and leptin

    4. I always struggle after 4pm

    5. Are you giving me a high protein diet?

    6. So much protein is making me feel heavy and full!

    7. Hairfall!

    8. By going low carb I am missing out on fruit. Is that ok? Don't I need fruit for health?

    9. What is the benefit of protein?

    10. What about dry fruits?

    11. Even after eating dinner, I am not satisfied and want something more.

    12. What about a protein supplement?

    13. I "have to" lose 10 kg in 3 months. Can I start fasting immediately?

    14. QUIZ: carbs, protein, appetite, hormones

    1. Bloating, burping, belching, indigestion: change in government

    2. Constipation- help!

    3. Effect of stress on digestion

    1. How will I sleep without food? I can't sleep hungry!

    2. Can I take sleeping pills?

    3. I set the alarm to wake up at 530am instead of 10am: it didn't work!

    4. My heavy snoring wakes me up with a choking sensation at night. I am tired all day.

    5. Habits for good sleep (sleep hygiene)

    6. QUIZ: SLEEP

About this course

  • Free
  • 85 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content