Course curriculum

    1. A message from Dr Roshani

    2. Goals, importance and confidence

    3. How to maximise benefit from this program

    4. Copyright agreement

    1. Please share the ideal diet plan and meal timings suggested by your clinic.

    2. Do I have to stop sugar completely?

    3. How to use the glucometer

    4. Is jowar or bajra or nachni better than wheat? Should I switch to multi-grain flour?

    5. Which fruits can I have? Fruit has fructose right?

    6. Please suggest healthy snack options?

    7. I just can't check my sugar on the glucometer!

    8. Why can't you just give me a diet plan?

    9. I was eating every few hours to avoid a low blood sugar.

    10. 15-15-15 rule for hypoglycemia

    11. We won't keep you on drugs that cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

    12. What about coconut water and buttermilk?

    13. Which cooking oil to use and how much? What about ghee?

    14. Is brown rice better?

    15. What about nuts?

    16. What about milk and milk products?

    17. Changing how I fill my plate

    18. QUIZ #1: Let's review what we have learned so far

    1. How many hours gap should I give between meals?

    2. How do I manage when eating out?

    3. Cravings: love hate relationship?

    4. Is it wrong to eat unhealthy food?

    5. Is it wrong to eat mango?

    6. Is coconut sugar healthier?

    7. Please suggest healthy snack alternatives

    8. I prefer to eat "on time" because

    9. I need to keep eating to prevent acidity and headaches.

    10. Emotional eating: patterns, importance and confidence

    11. "Clean eating", "bad eating" and perfectionism

    12. I need a break from the program: can't maintain a food diary or check my sugars this week because...

    13. "I usually get very hungry between 5-6pm"

    14. I always do well initially but then I give in

    15. Isn't it human nature to want to eat if others are eating?

    16. I "have to" lose 10 kg in 3 months. Can I start fasting immediately?

    17. QUIZ #2: Mindful eating: Let's review what we have learned!

    1. Basics: Lesson 1: Is type 2 diabetes a sugar problem or an insulin problem?

    2. I stopped sugar in tea/coffee/sweets. Why is my blood sugar still high?

    3. My sugar is high after meals. What do I do?

    4. Quiz #3: What is diabetes?

    1. Congratulations for understanding the basics! What's next? What are carbs?

    2. Is this a high protein diet?

    3. Moving ahead: Know your grains and millets better!

    4. I'm unable to reach my protein targets through food. What about a protein supplement?

    5. With all this protein intake, my appetite has gone down.

    6. More about fruits and nuts: for the studious people :)

    7. Reducing my food quantity has caused constipation. What do I do?

    8. Is it okay to completely cut out grains from my diet?

    9. I need to eat small snacks in between meals during my day.

    10. How many nuts can I have?

    11. So you want me to have protein just for immunity right?

    12. Protein, uric acid and your kidneys!

    13. I stopped my beloved fruit because you said they have sugar. But I miss it.

    14. There is protein in my urine. Should I stop my protein intake?

    15. How do I measure the protein in my chillas?

    16. Insulin and leptin

    17. QUIZ #4 : Know your carbs and proteins

    1. Healthy fats : Do we have to eat low-fat?

    2. Won't fasting slow my metabolism?

    3. Why are cream, ghee and oil allowed in fasting fluids?

    4. Won't fasting affect my protein targets, vitamins and minerals?

    5. Fasting fluids: What can I drink in between meals and during my fasting window?

    6. Do salad, veggies or nuts count as a meal? Does it break the fast? What about soup?

    7. I hate my weighing scale!

    8. I get acidity when I miss a meal. How can I fast?

    9. I get lightheaded if I miss a meal. How can I fast?

    10. Doesn't the body need some carb?

    11. Why is my sugar high after fasting?

    12. QUIZ #5: Getting started with fasting

About this course

  • Free
  • 100 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content